West of the Nile

Unlike much of Eastern Europe, you can not pay extra to take photos inside many locations. Doesn’t matter if you turn off the flash. Just not allowed. Which means that one is more likely to buy souvenir books, right? Maybe, maybe not. Certainly it did not stop me from looking around and photoing those places which did allow photos.

Towering Statue

Towering Statue

Inscription on the side

Inscription on the side

before we headed back to the bus

Toward Valley of the Kings

Toward Valley of the Kings

Valley of the Kings

Multiple tombs going up into the mountain and down into the earth.

62 Tombs

62 Tombs

the land is pretty harsh



our tickets allowed us entry into up to 3 tombs. No mummies present (nor photos inside). But there was climbing up ladders, down ramps and banging of heads on various ceilings.

Tomb of Sety

Tomb of Sety

before looking up into the hills

Valleys and Shadows

Valleys and Shadows

seeing another tomb

Amen Khopshef

Amen Khopshef

and going on to

Valley of the Queens

Not all Temples have survived as well as others. In the process of restoration –

Restoration Start

Restoration Start



and details of the building

temple detail

temple detail

wall detail

wall detail

side columns

side columns

Column detail

Column detail

and of course, you have to traverse a bazaar when ever exiting in order to separate you from your money…..



Heading down the Nile

The cruise ships on the Nile look pretty similar. Fairly wide, flat bottomed river ships, they are crowned with deck chairs and swimming pools.

another Nile Cruise Ship

another Nile Cruise Ship

After this morning’s outings – we headed down the Nile toward Aswan.

Heading down the Nile

Heading down the Nile

Sailing the Nile

Sailing the Nile

Towel Art






A close up of my vest stitch pattern –

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2 Responses to West of the Nile

  1. amandaj says:

    You continue to stun me with your adventures and your knitting! I much prefer the swan towel to the cobra!

  2. Carmen says:

    What a trip — I hope the reluctant teen also enjoyed it.
    The towel art creeps me out a little.
    I didn’t realize there was a Valley of the Queens, but, it figures.

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