Turned out to be a nice visit in Farnham. The event itself had a lot of people with representation from most of the local fiber of any kind guilds. Had fun just sitting around and knitting, relaxing, showing people stranded knitting on dps. (completed by the end of the day).
Not much for vendors, but it is not like I really need anything at all. Really. Nothing. We had lunch at a small vegetarian café hidden off of the main way.
Getting home – there was the dog who was so happy to see me that she promptly
Never mind that the smell of fox feces does not send me into ecstasy….
Lifting an almost 35kg struggling dog into a high sided bathtub is not my idea of a good time. For the second time in less than a month – I have a more than wet dog
grinning back at me.
Started the second round of Scheherazade for the Eldest.
More of CSI. On season 4.
Those mitts are TOO CUTE!
I noticed that if you are among non-knitters and either using DPNs or cabling, they are in awe. You have an educated crowd to recognize stranded knitting with DPNs.