Picking up the idea from Kattwings via Amanda, I decided to be honest about what I have here for UFOs. I am not counting the Viking Ship Sweater since I am still working on it.

I can’t see what is in Germany, only those items which I physically have to knit/finish/frog will count in this list. That might it a bit shorter. OTOH, I think I rounded up just about everything in progress (except for one aran), so here goes:

First there is Sakiori from Folk Vests.


The vest and some of the edgings are finished. But I ran out of handspun. I need to either find some acceptable roving or frog the thing. Probably need less than 100 yards of worsted weight. Problem of course is that I haven’t spun anything closely resembling worsted for ?10 years?

Next comes a Mosaic Pattern Vest – A Walk in the Words which I believe originally came from an issue of Knitters.

Walk in the Woods

I don’t have a clue where the pattern went. Since I do have graph pattern, one of the two fronts is finished, and the back is done except for a couple of inches, it just should not be all that hard to figure out the pattern.

Close up of the Patern Detail

And actually, the original pattern might not help since I substituted yarns and gauge anyway.

Finally – there is this Norwegian Roses Vest from one or another of the Till Fjells on my shelf.

Norwegian Vest

It really only needs the finishing. As in sew down the facings on the front and bottom as well as the arms and the same on the neck. And blocking, it needs a good blocking.

Close up - Norge Vest

In case you are wondering – all three projects predate Spring of 2003. In fact, I am pretty sure that at least two were UFOs when I moved to Heidelberg (2001). Since the publication date in Folk Vests says 2002, that puts the early limit on the one vest. I did pick up the Norwegian Vest at some point to do the steeks after I came back from downrange in 2004.

Anyone else have projects this old that they actually intend to finish?


Forget-Me-Not is almost dry
Blocking Forget-me-not

I like both the pattern & the beads.
Pattern Close upAnd the beads

As I think I mentioned – Evelyn Clark’s Hyacinth is on the needles. For some reason, both the designs and pattern instructions just seem to work for me. There are a couple of other wonderful shawls out there, but either the instructions don’t lend themselves easily to size adjustments or they don’t have charts. I am not knitting lace without a chart.

The Yarn for HyacynthThe First Repeat


Murder most Crafty – ed. Maggie Bruce. A fun collection of mystery short stories by a number of authors I like, all revolving around crafts. Published in 2005, I found it on BookOverstocks for cheap.

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3 Responses to UFOs

  1. Katt says:

    I hate it when I lose the pattern before finishing the item. A knitters nightmare that is.

    Oh wow those purple and blues are so gorgeous in the Evelyn Clark’s Hyacinth.

    Thanks for sharing your UFOs 🙂


  2. kv says:

    such beautiful things waiting to be finished…..

  3. Sarah says:

    I adore Evelyn Clark’s shawl patterns. I’m pretty sure she was the one who taught me to read charts, and I haven’t gone back since!

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