We are all familiar with the concept of UFOs – and not as Area 51 or flying saucers – but as unfinished objects when the subject is knitting/crocheting. Perhaps it would be more accurate to use UFPs – unfinished projects – but UFO seems to have caught on and stuck.

The phenomena has spread in my life. Since becoming an affectionado of audio books, I now have the problem of UFBs – unfinished books. Having mentioned before that I have been known to have the attention span of a gnat, you should not be surprised.

I have often had several hard copy books in progress between professional reading, paperbacks and the hard covers that I check out from the library. I might misplace a book, leave one in the car or at the office and it certainly would not do to be out of reading material. Book monogamy has never been my thing so the idea of having a book on the night stand, professional reading in the office, an audio-book in the car CD player and something else on the iPod for treadmill entertainment didn’t bother me.

At least, not till yesterday morning when I realized that things were a bit out of control. Getting on the train, I hauled out the iPod and could not remember which book I had been listening to. When I had been listening to a book became the operative question. I spun the wheel down the list.

I can no more delete an audiobook than I can toss out a regular book. It doesn’t matter that it didn’t appeal to me at the time, I could change my mind. Or, it might get better if I listened a bit more. Or, I might just not have been in the mood for that particular kind of story at the time.

And on, and on, and more excuses. I started counting. One, two, five, twelve …. Never mind, I am not sure that I want to admit to the final number of books in progress.

It made me feel much better about having four knitting projects underway. That is a positively puny number, totally under control!

Especially compared to started books.

Knitting, on the other hand, at Costa Coffee this after was a combination of two diamonds forward, frog one back as I once again was not completely all there. Yes, I know how to drop down and reknit just an area to correct a mistake, but this was not one of those occasions where it would not have shown.

Pictures tomorrow, I promise.

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One Response to UFBs

  1. The cat says:

    Life is too short to read books not worth of one’s attention.

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