Time goes by

It started out innocently enough. It was a Friday and I couldn’t decide what picture I wanted to add to the end of the post. Or whether or not I really had a picture at all.

So I let it slide till morning. But it was no different, compounded by my need to get everything together for the ferry to the continent. Procrastination is easy. I would post as soon as I got to the other side, got home.

But connecting from the conference wasn’t easy, certainly no pictures were possible.

I would wait till I was back in Heidelberg, ignoring the rushing around as I herded the four of us toward our CONUS flight from Frankfurt. The Con was fun and putting up pictures from there was not an issue, but then we moved on to Albuquerque and I just could not find all that much interesting to say.

It was so easy to avoid the increasing list of draft posts that were accumulating. Those which needed to be checked for spelling or have a photo added. Returning back to the UK, it seemed that fall had arrived along with a massive personnel turnover and a number of new and interesting projects. Out in the field, I had no access to email. Or at least that was as good an excuse as any.

Gradually, the idea of posting just became overwhelming. Commenting after not having said anything for so long would be like starting in the middle of a story. To pull out drafts, polish off and publish fell into the too hard to do box. It was easier to knit, spin, read, listen to audio books, bake bread or play computer games. I started avoiding other people’s blogs out of guilt and let my project page at Ravelry languish.

This is not depression, I am perfectly happy with procrastination and entertained by life. But the catch-up hole has gotten rather deep.

I realized how deep today when I looked at my to-do list. On this list are major things for work, some personal things that involve money (I am due some refunds), three patterns that I really need to finish writing up so that I can post them for everyone who has asked for them and packages that need to go in the mail.

This short list is over 45 items long (and doesn’t include fiber or knitting) and seems to be growing faster than I can finish out tasks. Given those overwhelming facts, all of a sudden completing a few drafts and whittling down the sub-numbers of items 12, 13, and 14 on my list seems easy.

Accordingly, I am raising my own expectations and yours. I don’t have the excuse of non-working computers since I finally have things sorted out well enough to leave an old laptop at work. The camera is charged, I have way too many projects on the needles along with piles of books, audio books and those knitting projects left over from last year.

Expect to hear to see regular posts, and for me to be cleaning out those drafts languishing for days, weeks and unfortunately months.

Books & Audio

Haunted in Death – JD Robb in Audio.
Next up – Hawkes Harbor – SE Hinton and Dark Justice – Jack Higgins

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2 Responses to Time goes by

  1. kv says:

    welcome back! no blogger guilt, please. there was a time when this was not one of our “responsibilities”, and it probably never should become one (i suffer from blogger guilt myself, so i’m talking to myself as well here).

  2. Holly says:

    thanks – it is not like we don’t have plenty to fill the rest of our time!

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