It will not surprise anyone who has ever cruised that the day you dock and depart ship is normally a totally and completely lost/wasted day. I was up early to find that the Solo Lounge was empty, clean, and the coffee machine turned off. Ok – I can go to Deck 16 outside and get a coffee. And, as it turns, the observation lounge on Deck 15 was closed off this morning. That left it clean, fresh, and ready for the new passengers who would be boarding.
Ok. I am packed. My suitcase was packed and set out last night. I have my carry on and a serious case of “let’s move on already.” This left me shortly after 0600 with nothing to do after breakfast but wait for my transfer. The good part? My 0900 transfer turned out to be available at 0815. I bailed off the ship, picked up my back, went through the immigration photo ID scanner (one of the few times that I think AI actually helps rather than hinders) and was directed toward the bus. At no point in this particular journey did anyone verify whether or not I actually had a transfer. Interesting, no?
Bus to airport. Find SouthWest. Hang out and wait till four hour before my flight to drop off luggage. This airport has very little to NO seating for people who are waiting to check in unless you are a wheel chair/mobility assistance passenger. At least in this terminal. Security took only 35 minutes with the old scanners (take out the electronics. empty pockets, take off shoes, etc). And then I waited in the gate area what seemed forever.
George picked me up. We had pizza. I had planned on crashing early but all of a sudden it was 2200. That actually shouldn’t be all that surprising since I did a load of laundry, started packing my suitcase for tomorrow, and trying to get a clue. Not bad for getting home ~ 1830…