
No, not the song from Fiddler on the Roof. Rather, sunrise of 0733 and sunset of 1616 does not leave for many hours of daylight.

If, like today, the sun does shine for a while at least I can enjoy it out the window and know that there was day light for a while.

If you happen to live in Helsinki, you have an hour less daylight in the morning and 30 minutes less at the end of the day. For Bodø, Norway 0919 and 1416 are your limits.

How do I know all this? provides all sorts of useful information.

For me, I need some sunshine. Once it is dark, I am ready to curl up with knitting, a book, the computer and rapidly drift off to sleep. Never mind that it is way too early in the evening.

So it was with a bit of bravery and my GPS that I set out for Spencers Wood this evening and Brigitte’s knitting get together. Not only do I get to see what Drops (Garn Studio) has in store, but it is a lovely meeting with what I really believe is all the Danish ex-pat women knitters in the area.

I got to show off my Fabel Cardigan and admire the two Piske’s as well as a couple of knitted reindeer. Of course, I forgot my camera.

Almost midnight when I got home, I still need to get organized. A friend has an official meeting in Bath tomorrow. Since she was not adverse to a ride-a-long, I am going to wander the town with a camera, glad that clear skies are predicted.

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2 Responses to Sunrise-Sunset

  1. Ruth says:

    Okay, I’m jealous again. My one and only visit to Bath was way too short. Please be sure to share those pictures!

  2. Melinda says:

    Oh I am jealous! Bath is a great place to visit and I’ve ordered yarn from the Drops there this year and would love to see their selection in the store. They have great customer service. I hope you have/had a good time!

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