Starting Feb 2008

First – no matter what your political leaning – new coins for the US.

Amanda nominated me for this.

Now, I just have to get it together to pass it on. I am normally not someone who does memes or other similar type things. I really view them as the blog equivalent of chain email. But this is something different. Which reminds me, I have another one floating that is a bit different, and I need to post that one as well.

As far as the wonderful office portion of the day, I managed to get an amazing amount of things done, for a very slow start. It was mostly small things, people who needed quick answers to things or contacts on the US side, but I fielded enough that I actually felt useful.

Fiber Stuff

Not much progress on either Viking or socks, not enough that will show in a picture, in any case!

Audio Books

Riptide completed.

And if I hadn’t gotten hooked on a stupid computer game, I would have gotten to bed on time…..



Which should not surprise you at all.

Did I mention, for those inquiring minds that don’t believe in crop circles that I have it on good authority that the generation of same can be seen at night. If you happen to be out in a helicopter with NGVs.


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