Ravelry meet up

Ducking out of the Kaffee Klatches – I skittered up stairs to the Ravelry meet up. Socks seemed to be the main portable knitting, but there were crocheters there as well as the odd scarf here and there. After lspeaking with  David Levine in a Kaffee Klatsch, I sat there listening to one woman talk about going to Germany this fall for the Christmas Markets. It was not too hard to figure out that this must be Kate Yule. Now I owe them the market list as soon as it is published. (and go read Bento, it is fun).

It was a fairly long day. Attempting to get to several of the parties – it turns out that the hotel has the lovely kind of elevators that require a key card to get to floor 22 necessitating the formation of a really long queue in the lobby. Once upstairs, it was so packed as to be not worth it.

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