It was a quite day here in the Berkeley Hills with the first of the season’s El Nino storms venting on our neighborhood. As a result, I thought that it would be best to stay home and enjoy the rain without having to experience it.
I have been working on the cross-stitch fractal, swtiching between picking away at the center with its frequent color changes and the major sections at the bottom where I can actually stitch a row or two at a time. Then there are there is also the ownership and requirements of the occasional random hole left by single color in a field of rapidly swapping other colors. (see frequent thread changes above).
This particular pattern is 75 stitches wide and 200 long printed across six sheets of paper, the even numbers of which are just a narrow section that didn’t quite fit on the a joining odd page. The Center section starts at about 80 stitches down.
Ignoring that center section – I am more than 1/2 way down the whole length. The lower section involves larger stitching areas and fewer color changes. None of which made any difference when the power flicked out shortly afternoon today. The light coming through the picture window wasn’t fabulous but I found a great use for my pocket LED purchased in Florida on sale.
There was a lot of grumping going on. George fussed about charging his cell phone. Noah let us know that power was out at his job where apparently most of the customers couldn’t get it through their heads that no power = no lights, no cash register, no sales. Further, that they had to leave the store as wandering around in the dark inside a store, especially someplace like CVS with all sorts of small desirables on the shelf is not a good idea.
PG&E figured it out. The power came on. And, unlike the last time – there was no fried squirrel involved.