Pesky Presentations

I had them complete. The two presentations for the FHP in August. I wasn’t thrilled, but they were acceptable. In some ways I haven’t left Harvard Graphics. Simple, clear and bullets.

Then I made the mistake of reading Simon Wheatley’s note on Great Presentations. Which led me to Lessing, with this excellent presesntation on the subject of Free Culture which fits right into yesterday’s thoughts. It is a bit long, so if you have only a few minutes, listen to the first portion. It is more about the ideas of open code/source placed in the historical context of copyright.

I am tempted to put together lectures solely of photo slides. It would be easy for the presentation on Disaster Prep/Military mission; and photos of RMAS for discussing this liaison position. But what do you think the attitude would be of the PAO/Security people who have to approve all presentations? They would want my notes. What notes? With boring bullets in outline format, it is easy to see the “lesson plan” and as long as it sticks to the abstract, anything close will probably wash. Blah!

This leads me to back around to thinking that the key determinates of a successful presentation are determined by the material (make the presentation suit the material) and knowing your audience (if it is military, the slides have to be in the proper format. Just like a story with a beginning, middle and end. Complete with a ? slide.) Boring.

I need to go find some new jokes.

Other Blogs

Bob was our oldest participant this past weekend at WordCampUK. I am glad he liked the photo.

Jon did a Geeky Picture Quizz for us on Saturday evening. My poor group did fine on the Cats, but not as well on some of the other people. I never knew that the Pac people had names…


And then there are socks, Jeannie’s socks to be specific. Have you looked at them? Not your ordinary socks at all.

I am at a halt on the UFO front. I am out of grey yarn for the Walk-in-the-Woods. I have just sleeves to go on the Garter Baby Sweater (to be knit on the Ferry on Sunday) and I am just about to the bind-together on the first sleeve cuff for the Viking. Now, if the yarn had arrived, I would start the shawl for the eldest. Since it hasn’t and I will be away from the mailroom for 3 weeks, I might just change yarns.

Books &

Personal Demon – Kelley Armstrong. Maiden Rock – Mary Logue. In Audio – Time Bomb – Jonathan Kellerman.

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3 Responses to Pesky Presentations

  1. Kathryn says:

    Definitely not your average socks – I am passing the patterns on to Margaret.

  2. Ruth says:

    I just wanted to let you know you’ve been awarded a Brilliante Blog award! Drop by for details.

  3. Lessig is brilliant (Larry Lessig – Copyright and Great Presenting). I’d say go for using the photos (you have some great ones yourself!) and put what would normally have been the bullet points into the notes, to make it easier on the people who have to approve the presentation, and to provide something for anyone who gets the presentation electronically later on.

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