
Perhaps this is picture will make things clearer?

from the back

from the back

You can now more easily see the back of the sweater (horizontal stripes). Also visible are the backsides of the fronts. All I did was place the sleeve stitches which have been on hold on separate needles.

To finish, all I need to do is knit back and forth across the width of the back, knitting into the sleeve stitches which are on hold (and the bottom of the sleeves) at each end to match the decreases.

The good news is that I have only 60 ridges to go. The more challenging news is that I have no clue where I put the slightly darker grey that I used in the first set of stripes.   Oh yes, and the ridges at the end of the sleeves for cuffs prior to sewing the shoulder seam, can’t forget them.

I like the sweater, it is working out exactly on gauge. The problem of course is that I am not that big and may well swim in it. At 130cm around, that is not surprising. I do have several friends on whom this would fit perfectly and be elegant.

In my colors. Right.

Anyway, I might just do it again, but make some massive adjustments in the width and perhaps lengthen it a bit. Now that I have gotten this far, it is not that difficult a knit, just hours of mindless garter. Great for cruises or long car trips (unless I happen to be the driver….)


I’ve read all the novels that came home with me from the library last week and back to audio books. One of the Jayne Krentz Arcane Society novels entertained me on my drive back from taking The Mole to school in Kent while Way to Glory – #4 in the Lt Leary series by David Drake made my first trip back to the gym almost tolerable.

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One Response to Pagode

  1. Patricia says:

    Great progress. Your chronicle almost makes me want to jump into a Falkenberg marathon again. I just loved my experience. I shut out the hell of row upon row of garter stitch. 🙂

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