
I leave way too early in the morning for comfort. To make a 0950 flight, I need to be at the airport a couple of hours before that. It takes 20-30 minutes on the bus. To get to the bus I need to take the train from Camberley to Feltham. To get to the train station and buy my ticket for the 0617 train means that I have to walk the 10-15 from wherever I park the car wheeling a suitcase. And to drive to the car park.

You get the idea.

I could just take a cab, but that would cost 42L sterling rather than 8.50. The difference I saved can then be allotted to the yarn account. Right?

I have to take several changes of business type wear, a couple of casual things and the assorted extras. I finished packing everything but the knitting projects by 2100.

Yes, trip knitting projects. I decided against socks or taking along the sleeves of the Viking. I just didn’t want to deal with dps on a crowded airplane. Walk-in-the-Woods is on a metal circ. Fine hand sewing is out of the question.

Griffins & Trees

Finishing the graphing and calculations for Griffins & Trees – I wound the base green yarn + a long change in browns. Both are a bit heaving than Kauni and were purchased in May on that Helsinki trip. Appreciating the twisted ribbing from the vest I just completed, I am using that – ribbing on 3.00 needles and the body to be knit on 3.5mm.

Griffin Ribbing

Griffin Ribbing

My source for the three different chartsĀ  is Nancy Spies’ excellent book Here be Wyverns modified to suit knitting.

Meanwhile – the 4th Eve Dallas book is entertaining me while I paste together graphs and realize that it is close to midnight. Really going to be well rested? Not.

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