Civitavecchia is not Rome. Even if you call it the port of Rome, it is not Rome. Not when it is 90 minutes by bus. Another nasty surprise: unlike other cruise lines, NCL does not provide a shuttle into town. In those ports where you can’t hike out, they charge for the shuttle. Go figure. Not high on my “taking care of your vacationers”
Of course, if the girls had managed to get up like we planned at 0700, we might have gone to the train station and traveled somewhere. But at 1100+ when they finally rolled out of bed, it just did not seem worth it. Something about a late party….
They are having a good time, including spending 1-2 hours a day studying and plenty of time in the gym.
I am still trying to find a nice quiet knitting place, and came across an “I love me wall” for the ship as well as more primitives passing as art work.