Some how, have the old attitude of the working multitudes – that weekends should be best enjoyed as not having to be in the office/workplace/base /whatever but should be for personal time and catch up.
So what part of that relates to the early morning nips from a cat who thinks that breakfast MUST be served NLT 0600. The harassment started again this morning well before 0600. I am not actually sure of the exact time since I refused to look at the time, not really wanting to know it. What I do know is that I finally gave up and headed upstairs around 0530 but refused to go anywhere near his feeding station till 0600.
The only good thing I can say about being woken up at first light is that it presents me with a full day in which to stitch/sew/knit/chat/clean-up-the-craft room of which a few things were accomplished.
He looks so innocent doesn’t he? Of course, the reason that my laptop is closed relates to someone coming and sitting on it while open which totally disrupted both input and my ability to listen to an audiobook. I finally gave up and switched to my phone. I am assuming that even the best laptop must be warm. The fact that I am considering getting a water bottle for him says how much he is both disrupting and ruling my time…
I managed to stitch on a few projects after plugging in and rethreading the serger to finish fabric edges. First was the start on The Cottage by Cottage Garden Samplings. While not completely full coverage – it seemed well more than 50% overage. I had guesstimated about 9500 stitches (120x120x65%). The actual number (skinned into PK) came out 4 stitches short of 9300…
The fabric is 18ct Vintage something or other with the called for CCW and DMC. Given the solidity of most of the pattern, I am just treating the cottage and grounds as full coverage and using 20 stitch diagonals from the bottom up.
Sunset is getting later and the sun has “moved” toward the north – no longer setting over the Golden Gate Bridge as seen from my craft room window.
It’s interesting that Daylight Savings Time critics still mention cows not getting milked at the usual time although even in Wisconsin, few people have dairy cows. Isn’t it time to replace cows with cats?
Nah. Daylight savings time is still a huge issue for dairy farmers. The creamery trucks don’t change their pickup schedules (stupid really) so that the farmers have to move milking times in order to not exceed tank times. This results in decreased milk production for 2-4 weeks at every time shift. Like I said, dumb…