My Windows Rattle because

(pick the best possible answer)

    1. there is a ghost
    2. they feel like rattling, just to disturb my sleep
    3. there is a lot of wind
    4. Someone didn’t fasten any of the window latches.

It goes right along with
my room is cold because

    1. The sun went down
    2. I don’t have enough wool
    3. The boiler went out again

You get the idea.

The amazing discoveries came about because I decided to see what kind of pictures I could take out of an upstairs window rather than through the window. While I was at it, I switched to the macro lens.
still sunshine at 1900

tree just might be buddingYep, it is a stump

Sock Madness

Just as I was about to finish up this post, I checked my other email box. What do we have here? The second round of Sock Madness – Patterned called Reversal a day early. Ok, a backwards April Fools joke.

Meanwhile, it means that I am not crashing early.

I cast on and did the ribbing on the first sock
Sock Madness 2 - the first cuff

and then the first 12 rows of the pattern.

And the first 12 pattern rows

I don’t like the yarn. It is Noro. The colours are beautiful, but it is a singles with all the twistiness implied. It is a slow knit. Should be ok, only have to be in the first 20 in my division to slide on through.

Audio Books

First diskĀ  of Bone Harvest completed


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