Ms Grayjeans

A successful day in the most part. The credentials paperwork is complete, I was able to talk to the personnel CPT who is doing bonus paperwork, I picked up a couple of potential birthday presents for the kids. I also went to see about a German Drivers License.

Found myself caught in a do-loop. I need a regular license because I don’t have a valid US license, and the USAEUR (US Army in Europe license is really only good for Germany, if one is stationed there, that is). I am stationed in the UK. That is British and Air Force Territory, not Army and Germany.

With me so far? The motor vehicle people issued me with their usual letter stating that I had a U’R license since 1988 and was entitled to drive on it as long as I was logistically supported. But in the German portion of the letter they stated that I was able to use it as long as I had NATO Military Status. Germany location is implied but not specified.

The good, rule abiding civil servant at the German license bureu therefore concluded that, since I was still in the military and still in Europe, I didn’t have a problem and didn’t need a German license. She also didn’t understand why I still had the licesnes.

Hello? I don’t know anywhere that takes your license away if you move. It just isn’t valid after the expiration date (or 30 days after you get to the new location which requires you to get a new license.) The personnel office on Kleber was willing to issue me a letter explaining that I wasn’t stationed here any more and that my license to drive issued by U’R needed to be replaced by something else. And, in any case, it was not valid in the UK.

Tomorrow I will go back and try again, explaining that the drivers license people only certify if I have a valid license or not while the personnel office determines if I am eligible for status here in Germany.

March Sweater Madness

Why can’t I see my way clearly to leaving the name of the pattern alone? But I remember Mr Greenjeans from childhood (anyone else admit to being a child in the 1950s?) and he would not have worn this sweater. Nor would Mr Rodgers either. But Ms Greyjeans? Close enough.

Anyway, following the pattern carefully, I came to the dividing part for the sleeves and the body. Measuring the sweater, the yoke really wasn’t long enough. After 8 more rows (and changing the increase from YOs to lifted stitches), I thought it looked ok and did the split.


Casting back on 8 stitches under each arm, I managed to knit six more rows.


Books & Audio Books

Finished Thunder Moon by Lori Handeland. It started out well, but suffered at the end by trying to wrap up too much in too few pages.

Savannah Blues
by Mary Kay Andrews is on the car CD player. The reader is great, it is not her fault that I don’t get all the Southern in the book. It is just right for driving listening – light and fun with a sense of humour.


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