yet another cat check. He is doing fine. I wasn’t so sure when I came through the door. This was the first time I wasn’t greeted immediately. If you are familiar with cats, you probably have had the experience of attempting to walk while a cat weaves around your feet. Not their fault if you happen to trip, obviously. Today? Quiet and no cat.
Okkkkk. Cleaning the cat box didn’t summon him. Rattling the box of Greenies, I heard thumps overhead and thunder headed down the stairs. This cat isn’t light, or light on his feet. He also would rather not have to work hard to collect the adoration and food due him.
what? he says. I should go after that bit of snack on top of the trunk?
and since I didn’t cave, he did…
You are a cruel taskmaster making him work for his snack like that! He is a very handsome animal.