Mess Dinner

No pictures, so for those on email distribution, this one should not get caught up in spam filters or bounced.

British Officer’s Messes are rife with tradition. So much so that it is almost difficult to know what to do, and when. From walking in with an escort to who gets served what first to how to pass the sherry at the end.

The Mess here at AMD supposedly has some event or other for its members every month. The summer was quiet after the Ball in June, especially since yours truly bugged out of setting up the 4ht of July celebration in lieu of Majora with the DH.

Tonight was a Mess Dinner. Normally one dresses for dinner at the Mess in any case. Suit and tie for men, appropriate = for women. As a military function, no one likes wearing their normal Army Uniform with jacket (and Sam Brown belt with the rest of the kit) because it is “uncomfortable.” Instead, it becomes a Mess affair being Black Tie for those not in uniform and Dress Mess (oh, duh) for the rest of us.

I am getting a lot of wear out of this uniform…..

Needless to say, besides the four corps jackets (in both mens and womens) there were members of two other corps guesting, one Scots with a plaid vestcoat and one with plaid trews.

Music for the 50+ in attendance was provided by the Royal Army Medical Corps Territorial Band (V). Every good, but unfortunately too loud if you wanted to indulge in ordinary table conversation. The dining room is old with high arching ceilings; the noise does reverberate.

Predrinks and conversation at 1930, dinner call at 2000. In contrast to US functions, only a prayer is offered before the meal and all the toasts, regimental tunes and the like are placed following the sweet and coffee. This leaves the crew with multiple bottles of sherry being passed around each table segment.

I am thinking of adding a page to two in the continuity book as a guide to surviving without making too many errors.

It was close to 2300 by the time I returned home.

Since the Mole and I had managed to miss each other on his pickup at the train station, we have to head out early in order to get him another train pass.

Knitting was not, unfortunately, on the list of today.

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