
Today turned out to be a bit more interesting than expected. The meeting – hosted by several agencies and held at the Sanitätsakademie der Bundeswehr looked at preparedness for radiation accidents/incidents.

A number of new and cooperative agencies reviewed who was responsible for what and the kind of resources that could be called into play. This meant the day was filled with presentations I could understand, not those filled with sub-atomic particles and laboratory tests well beyond my comprehension.

Then, there was the side jaunt into the city with a stroll through the Kandisky exhibit. Some of his art I like, some is just plain strange. Since his style changed so radically over the years and as he relocated city to city I am taking the curators word that all pieces in the exhibit are from the same man.


with crowds in the musuem – I headed out a bit earlier for the conference dinner. Major room in a major beer stube and me with Musica started from Schachenmayr nomotta Baby wool in Navy and white.

yarn for Musica

yarn for Musica

I wanted soft.

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