Sitting on my balcony, I am watching the pilot boat/tug as we start to move away from the dock.
Please remember that I have been on the ship for almost three weeks at this point. Today is the day I have a plate of scones in front of me having finally discovered the secret location where they are served complete with cream and strawberry jam at 1600 in the afternoon. I discovered this gastronomic delight only due to asking Sous Chef Wong (Jamaican) why the vegetarian food in the Windjammer was not better labeled. While I was at it, I asked why there was no cream for the scones at Lattitudes.
We proceeded to have an extremely confused conversation for a few minutes until it became evident that he was referring to the Park Cafe while I was wondering why there were only chocolate scones on offer (Lattitudes). Understand, I love chocolate chips and chocolate but even my love has limits and scones are just not a great place to deposit said small morsels. . It wasn’t 1500 for scones, it was 1600 but a trip back was a small price to pay for my treat.
This had been a good day, and not a terribly demanding one. Off the ship for a while, replacing a bag so that I have a way to carry numerous towels, soaps and other treasures back to Germany.
- the cultural center
- sculpture in the round-a-bout in front of the center
Oh, yes and knitting for a while. Starting another hat, knitting the facing.
I really like the color changes in that yarn!!