It’s still tulips

Elsewhere in Europe, the tulips bloomed last month. In Finland, it is still under 20°C most days and there are beds of tulips in all the major parks.


Helsinki is a city of Art Deco, of interesting buildings all dating from the late 1800s on.

Art deco

We had enough time after we arrived yesterday to do a bit of wandering around, seeing a few things

more modern

and some interesting architectural details.
there is that which is really modern

and Owls – looking downward over doorways.

and then there are Owls

We are staying at the Eurohostel – part of the Youth Hostel International Organization. Everyone staying here is not a student or young traveler. I wish those that were young did not feel obligated to pound out signals to each other through the walls.


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2 Responses to It’s still tulips

  1. kv says:

    looks like an interesting place to visit…..the owls were a great catch

  2. Carmen says:

    Technically, I guess, the conjunction of the modern buildings qualifies as an arch? When I think Finland, it’s of the awesomely simple, serene hand weaving, the Toika looms (my second choice after Glimakra) and Wasa, whence came a quarter of my ancestors (the Swedish quarter.)

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