
My conference starts late this afternoon with a reception. I suppose I should have come in today instead of yesterday. But I always get concerned at such things and appreciate not having to worry about being late, lost or otherwise confused. This post is picture heavy; you have been warned.

Instead, I took the sponge monkeys
Sponge Monkeys

with me out and about for the early part of the day.

When you don’t make them do anything, it is amazing. They are willing to see a few things at the City Museum about the history of Helsinki
Historyand population time line
what the city was
much older city layout
and what it has survived
the plague came here as well
We were reminded of the 700 years of Swedish “involvement”
the shipping industry which moved from here toward Germany
ssailing ship
and work
mock up of sewing shop
there were also the Russians. Last Century, and during WWII. This sweater dates from the 1940s
Entralac Sweatersweater detail

Taking a break
park bench, knitting socks

Over the course of the day, Noah and I managed to capture ducks, geese and gulls.
DuckDuck 2more flying crittersGull

We found the early bird was out late as well
complete with worm

while looking at buildings, islands, and the harbor
The market hallPlazaon an islandharborParliment

trim 2 - fishtrim one - bird of prey

sculpture –
The Russian outside an art museummore modern sculptureand the strawberriesmonumentmore sculpture

I can’t imagine taking this route across Russian and the northern waters, but it was done
tracing the travel route

and we got some sunshine, even if it never really got all that warm.


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