Final Faery

Need to block this critter, but otherwise I am done.

It is heavy, it is warm, and it is big enough to wear as the outer layer

The smudge on the two photos? It is not your eyes, looks like there are dog nose prints on the mirror in Ms Soprano’s room.

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5 Responses to Final Faery

  1. The cat says:

    Hmm…more impressive cables! Bit warm for this climate but I like it, I like it!

  2. Laura says:

    Wow! That looks great! And seemed you got it done quickly. You know, you’re starting it inspired me to give it a shot as well. I’m using Cottage Craft wool, which is knitting up quite nicely. I’ve only finished the bottom cable, hem, and just picked up stitches for the body. I haven’t blocked it at all (I noticed on the KAL some people blocked the cable when done), but am concerned because the hem looks like it wants to curl up. What do you think will fix it? If blocking or resewing doesn’t work, I’m tempted to put in weights, like curtains used to have……

    • Holly says:

      For what it is worth, I didn’t knit a hem. Substituted two stitch garter on either side of the cable instead. Would recommend this strongly for the sleeves since teh extra bulk at the wrists is often not desirable. (oh, and did I mention that I absolutely detest sewing on sweaters?). With my construction changes, the only sewing I had to do was closing the cable band at the wrists.

      Curtain weights, fishing sinkers – make sure that your sewing is good before blocking….

  3. Faery ring is absolutely beautiful, Holly! You did a wonderful job on it! Too bad it’s not for me! 🙂

  4. Lorette says:

    I love it! I can’t wait to start mine. I like your hem modifications.

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