Fighting Cats

I was reminded tonight that Budapest is significantly farther south than London. Twilight hits earlier and it is quite dark before 2100. Certainly it is starting to be not so exciting to walk back by 1930, especially when the skies are overcast, the wind is gusting and rain threatens.

The music of the cats continues. I haven’t seen any house pets or ferals on the streets. But at least the feline persuasion certainly exists. Howling, yowling and otherwise making loud verbal comments on the state of that other cat walking through it’s territory. Rather nasty remarks being traded, the reply is even more strident. Now, if the two of them would knock it off. Last night’s concert was sufficient, thank you very much. Just be glad that I don’t know how to record and insert an audio clip for you…..

Today’s conference went well, the speakers for the most part were interesting from the underground hospital

Constructed in WWII

Constructed in WWII

through to various risk communication and malaria issues.

And I got a free lunch. More than a free lunch – it came in this bag.

Baxter FSME

Baxter FSME

Pretty cool, huh? Looks like a knitting bag to me!

Lotus Blossum Shawl

picture of the details like I promised.

lotus blossoms

lotus blossoms

corner detail

corner detail

Lotus Variation I

Needing something quick and easy, I made up a variation on the Lotus – cast on six of the eight stitch repeats plus two additional edges stitches for each side using Regia cotton sock yarn. Buzz along on your 4.00 mm needles through the first 50gm ball.

Reverse side

Reverse side

right side

right side

When I get to the right number of rows on the second ball, I will switch to the blossum pattern from the stem and finish up the scarf. One ball provides about 6″ x 24″ of scarf not blocked.

My flight is early afternoon and I am (once again) going to make an effort to get up in the morning and go take a few photos that are not screen shots of slides.

And see if I can get everything in the suitcase. I came with a full suitcase and then added toys…..

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2 Responses to Fighting Cats

  1. Angeluna says:

    Did you actually get to go inside the “hospital in the rock”? It was amazing. There are caverns riddling the whole Buda Hill. I do so love Budapest, although I prefer the cymbalom to the feline serenade.

    The Lotus Shawl is on my list, so I’m following your progress with interest.

  2. Melinda says:

    The Lotus Shawl is gorgeous! Well done!

    It’s probably mating season for the August run of kittens. Not a fun time to have to listen to cats.

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