I am thinking there is a major cultural difference between the US and Germany as to the presence of open vx shut doors. I will have to inquire further. In any case, I shut doors when I need to keep people out such as being on a Zoom call or protecting things from small people. But in general, all the doors in our house are open. Not so in the German homes of friends. Walking into an entry way, all one sees are closed doors with no clue where they go. The same is true for any upstairs floors. Ok, I understand privacy. But I really don’t think there is a difference between company and non-company days. I really think that all the doors are always shut.
This leads to trips up and down stairs and a lot of banging of doors opening and closing. Perhaps in your house you keep your bathroom doors open. In mine, a closed bathroom door probably means that the room is occupied. You don’t need to try the door handle to see if it opens. And you don’t embarrass someone inside who forgot to lock the door.
But it does mean that I know where everyone is. I can hear the heavy footbneats of the guys as they go up and down the stairs and the “firm shutting of doors.” Me? I try to be as quiet as possible so as to disturb no one with my comings and goings. Perhaps this is a “me” thing, but it occurs to me that it also just might be a bit gender related.
I have been doing a little stitching, decided not to go for a hike and am seriously considering a nap to finish adjusting to the current time zone.
Our first house, in New Hampshire, was brand new and code was very strict on insulation and R factors. What we found was that with all the doors and windows to outside closed, you had to give an extra little oomph to close an interior door. The place was built like a German car.
Which is also how we ended up in the ER with CO poisoning, but never mind.
Not so fun. Windows here routinely open. But walk between bedroom & kitchen? Open close open close. Slam. Tromp…