Check and check

It was just a couple of minutes too late as I rolled into the driveway to catch the red ball of the sun sinking below the tree line. The dog, of course, thought I was completely insane for not fussing over her as I blasted past heading for the office. The window leads out to a narrow ledge which opens up onto a section of flat roof. An excellent place to catch the setting sun, if one is home in time.

After an insane trip back from Heathrow airport during which I made the understandable but stupid assumption that there should not be too much traffic on the M3 before noon on Sunday I managed to get to a friend’s house only 45 minutes late. Normally I just take the A30. Regular road, small towns with stop lights and the occasional round about. Not fast, but a pretty reliable route. Not the road which had a major, five mile crawl that was the direct result of looky-loos. Yes, it is interesting to see what kind of moronic thing another driver has executed and potentially survived. But is it really worth those hundreds and hundreds of innocent people caught up in the sludge and forced to drive at no miles an hour?

I will skip the part about Wagamamas managing to lose my lunch order. They apologized and didn’t charge me so it probably was a wash.

There were only the three of us happily taking up comfortable couch knitting space at the White House Pub this afternoon.

3rd Sunday Knitters

3rd Sunday Knitters

Besides wearing the sweater – I finished the side seam and wove in all the ends on Wicked Eyelet.

Wicked Eyelet just before seaming

Wicked Eyelet just before seaming

Sewed the seam on the Garter.

garter, and lovely needle case

lace garter, and lovely needle case

Forgot to bring in the Alpaca striped Scarf

Alpaca Striped Scarf

Alpaca Striped Scarf

and dug this UFO from last summer out of a bag.

several repeats of pink&purple shawl

several repeats of pink&purple shawl

I don’t remember the pattern so decided to do an edging instead. Even more importantly that being half way done is that I am getting all my lovely stitch markers back!

half the edging

half the edging

(as you can see, the lighting in my living room is less than great and the flash is just too much). Now all I have to do is hope that I have enough yarn to finish off the binding. It would be a real pain to have to frog several hours worth of work….

In any case, tomorrow is Monday; a back to work day. I should only have Phoenix and Scheherazade left on the needles. It would be so nice to start something new. But maybe I should just pull out one of my UFO vests and finish it up instead?

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One Response to Check and check

  1. Angeluna says:

    Had to giggle that you thought the M3 wouldn’t be crowded on a Sunday. Nice to find fellow knitters.

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