
Originally the plan was to stop in Rochester, rescue some of the Mole’s goods from his school and proceed on with a field trip.

The Mole, feeling ill, bagged the trip. Left me and a friend on our own. A regular Brit, somehow she had never managed to get to Canterbury.

You have heard of Canterbury? Dating from Roman times, rebuilt multiple times,  Tomas Becket was murdered there in 1170, home to the Cathedral and other wise a pretty interesting city.

We wandered around, visited a museum, lots of streets and shops, and lunched at the Hobgoblin Pub.

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One Response to Canterbury

  1. Ruth says:

    I spent a week in/near Canterbury ten years ago. We stayed “up” at the University, but I got to twon a few times. Never got to the museum and was most dis-appointed about that! Sounds like you have a good day, by my standards…

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