
The library at Camp Doha used to receive up to eight boxes of new paperbacks every month which were then put out on the shelves for all anyone traveling through or permanent party. She gave me a number of empty boxes – they were obviously sturdy. The librarian was more than happy to let me make off with empty boxes.  This one dates from July 2003. It made the trip back to Germany at the end of my tour and since then it has made several more trips via MPS. This final time it brought spinning and weaving magazines to the UK.

Next on its stop is Norwich and from there to a Carmelite Monestary in Herts.

Funny how such a simple object can trigger off a cascade of memories…..




Ok, so this is not a great photo. But I have finished the striped section completely and am now about to start the decreases for the sleeves

no clearer this way...

no clearer this way...

but use your imagination (grin) as I go from one wrist to the neck, down a front, around the bottom of that front, across the bottom of the back and the second front before turning up the second front and finishing out at the second wrist. Much more believable is that the decreases have taken me under 700 stitches per round…..


Deadline coming up – I am making progress again…

chart + completed on second half

chart + completed on second half

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