Baby it’s cold

in here. I know there is supposed to be heat, It was even in the contract that I signed. Modern Housing Solutions…Ha!

I have done all the basic checks, in between climbing back into bed under the covers. The thermostat is set. The programing box is set for system on (as apposed to twice a day where it normally is). The gas stove works. The registers in the used rooms are turned on.

But all the registers are stone cold. Chill your hand if you are silly enough to leave it connected for very long.

I will call the [un]fun service people in the morning. There is no point in bothering them tonight. It is not an emergency; I have no small children or ill persons in the house. If we get really miserable, we can do to the living room, wrap up in afghans and turn on the electric fire place.

The DS and I drank warm beverages and knit.

That is correct. He decided that he needed a scarf (and something to do with his hands while he was watching a James Bond movie. Being 17, he chose your basic black (colour 70), a skein of Sheep Shop Yarn Company – Sheep #3.

Garter Stitch Edge

He wandered back over to his computer to knit

Knit over, Purl Back

Definitely making some progress this evening.


My final pair for the 52 pr plunge is complete!
Please meet WildCherry Chain Link knit from Cherry Tree Hill’s Wild Cherry wonderful sock yarn on 2,25 mm Susan Bate Needles (the old steel kind).
Wild Chery, completed 27 March 2008Wild Cherry, sides and heels, completed 27 March 2008


I took the young man to dinner at the Mess last night. It was Thai night. Needless to say, he had not brought particularly appropriate clothes. Living in jeans, sweats and t-shirts like others of his age, he hardly owns a shirt, much less brought one with. We solves the shirt problem at Marks & Spencers. Nothing like a sale. But the vest/sweater/jacket issue was a bit more challenging.

He allowed that it would be nice to have a simple vest for such occasions. Could I knit him one?

Colour me thrilled! We went through the yarn on hand. He chose Shakespeare from Artful Yarns in color #09. Purchased from Webs when it first went on discount, I am knitting it at a denser gauge – than recommend on the ball band (4/1″ on US 9-10). It feels like it will be warm but light weight. Think of it as an inexpensive Lopi alternative.

The patten is English Slipover from Folk Vests by Cheryl Oberle.

English Slipover by Cheryl Oberle

The vest ribbing almost complete

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heading back under the covers


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5 Responses to Baby it’s cold

  1. Deb says:

    Brrrr! Hopefully you have heat now!!!

    So, has your son knit before? I hope he sticks with it and finishes that scarf. 🙂

    Did you use arch shaping on your socks to create the chevron (where the pattern ends)?

  2. Turtle says:

    hope your heat found you~ love the socks..congrats~ Sweet, male knitting!!

  3. Dave says:

    Congratulations on finishing the 52 pair plunge — I am seriously impressed. And I hope your heat is back on so you don’t have to wear all 52 pairs at once to keep your feet warm. 🙂

  4. eKNITabeth says:

    and thank you for your clever adaptation of the Charge of the Sock Brigade ;D


  5. Angeluna says:

    I am soooo impressed you completed the 52 pair challenge. Are they for all the family, or all yours? And delighted to see your son knitting, and wanting a vest. A very nice vest, too.

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