at 0dark30

Bagram is as quiet as it ever gets. Only the occasional vehicle pases by; splashing through puddles in the cold damp air. Planes roar as they warm up – mostly the mail carriers with the intermittent punctuation of jets screaming by.

I have a flashlight (thank you Mark) in my hand to check the location of some of the bigger puddles as I hike over to the office. I had stopped at the PAX terminal to determine if my flight to Shindand was still scheduled. Yes, come back in 4+ hours for the show time.

There is no one at the office and I am able to get at least a modicum of work before heading to breakfast then back to the BHut. At 0845 I meet my travel partner at the terminal and we get logged in for the flight. Of course then it goes into waiting time.

And waiting time. Right at load up time, I hear an announcement for our flight.

Cancelled due to weather.

Ok, if the weather is bad, I am more than willing to stay safe on the ground. But, as it turns out, all the flights this morning going south, west and north have been cancelled due to weather. Little thing at the far end – icy runways.

Not unexpected but it would have been nice to salvage the time.

Back to the BHut – I am seriously lacking on sleep and sense of humor.

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3 Responses to at 0dark30

  1. Alison says:

    I’m sorry! Best wishes on getting a flight soon.

  2. Helen says:

    Lacking sleep and a lack of a sense of humour often goes together…at least it could /can be ‘cured’ by a good sleep…

  3. Mark says:

    I hope you use it with the red filter.

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