Anticipation – 1

sunshining through

sunshining through

The convention center is a multicolor riot of color just a few blocks from our hotel.

Registration, where I spent most of the day along with the two girls hit periods of quiet. Final numbers for the Con should be around 5,000 with most expected to check in tomorrow and Friday.

As it turned out, the reg system was the same as we used at LACON, so the girls went right to work.

Ms Soprano

Ms Soprano

Ms Maus

Ms Maus

with the two of them probably helping more people than most of the other stations combined. Could also be their smiles and the fact that they are not old…..

Other than the Reno 2011 bid party, there wasn’t much of anything scheduled for this evening. I just headed back to the hotel, knit for a short while and went to sleep early feeling rather righteous from having spent 40 minutes on the treadmill this morning.


Lt Leary series – David Drake – Book 3. Valor’s Trial – Tany Huff….

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