And more turkey

It wasn’t enough that I had turkey yesterday, I had to do it again today.

My excuse was that the young man is off at school, not returning home till the weekend.

While I was at it, I invited a British friend, and a couple of American ex-pats with their partners.

Ignoring my detours to the VW Service Center (I was sick of the buzzer at every start up reminding me that it was due for service), additional work to the tune of several hundred quid and the fact that I still don’t have heat; I was ready for company.

We had turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes, vegetable bake, cranberry sauce, salad, pumpkin pie, and brownies.

I think that was the whole list and I don’t want to even think about how long it is going to be before the left overs are all gone.


Patience is rewarded, and I have been knitting. Having finished the second square this afternoon, it seemed time to add the shoulder extensions. Then there is the question of “follow the pattern….” or not. I have never been clear on good reasons to bind off shoulders before turning around and sewing them together, preferring three needle bind-offs even when it seems a bit confusing.

front and back squares

front and back squares

Confusing enough to have to do one shoulder twice when I realized that I had knit one on the top while the second one had grown out the side where one normally finds an armhole. Taken without a flash, this self-patterning sockyarn is a bit lighter grey in color than seems apparent here.

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One Response to And more turkey

  1. Callie LaDay says:

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