63rd Birthday

If I claimed to be a loving wife would you believe me? George turns 63 today so here I am with him in Switzerland so that he will not be alone on his birthday. Alone – with a day in the office just chocked full of people who know that today is his birthday. (birthday greetings if you want to gr AT aeris-capital DOT com . Since he is a Crackberry addict, that ought to make his day a bit more challenging, especially given the time zones).

Rather than hang out there today, I stayed in the apartment with great wifi access, a basket or two full of handwork projects and a camera loaded with the rest of the Mallorca pictures. Of course, that is about all there is here. The guys rented this place at least three, and I think really four years ago. Kitchen area which has the normal cupboards, a few dishes, fridge, microwave and coffee pot. The common area has a rectangular table with four chairs serving as both eating and work space. Additionally there is this squared edge orange couch of the IKEA variety and a small table with flat screen TV. In keeping with the low cost method of living – it is about an 18″ diagonal augmented with two old PC speakers.

Otherwise there are two bedrooms, each with a bed and a lamp. There is nothing on the walls. There are wires dangling from the ceiling because they would have to buy light fixtures if they wanted overhead lights. The closets are bare. The bathroom sports a small cabinet – each of them having a shelf.

My plan for the day is progressing nicely. I have managed finally to get the pictures for 2-3 July posted, have done the finish work on three scarves,

two cowls, one scarf

two cowls, one scarf

and the hand sewing on two jackets



purple shrug and flowered dress, mint green skirt

purple shrug and flowered dress, mint green skirt

with another scarf in progress

another Volan

another Volan

and the waistband of a Maus skirt to go, but I am going to take a break since we are headed out to dinner tonight!

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7 Responses to 63rd Birthday

  1. Steven says:

    Toilet paper. They forgot the toilet paper. 🙂

  2. Beth says:

    This definitely falls into the category of an AMAZING wife! Incredible. I will wish him a happy birthday!!!!!!

  3. Mary says:

    At least the apt came with kitchen appliances and closets!! More than can be said for mine!! 🙂

    I sent George an email for his b’day!

  4. Beverly says:

    Happy birthday to George!

  5. Chere says:

    Love the round ruffle-y effects on the scarves.

  6. Ann says:

    Perhaps you can amuse yourself doing interier design? Lots of potential there…knit wall hangings?

  7. Mitch says:

    Wish George Alles Gute zum Geburtstag for me.

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