2020 – misc

which stands for works in progress. As is this page which I started today (29 Feb) because why not leap….

I will move things to the appropriate page – once (notice the optimism here?) they are completed.

Farewell to Anger is already in THIS location:

From MagicalQuilts.blogspot.com we have

  1. Weaver Birds – which was her 2018 Weaver SAl.

which will look like this when complete

Weaver Bird Band 2018

I am stitching on 14ct Aida in natural and using various Threadworx overdid #12 Perle cottons and DMC flosses.

2. Weaver Band 2020 – the current Weaver SAL of which I am stitching the smaller of the two options. Again – this is on 14ct Oatmeal Aida. The outer frame is stitched in Threadworx #12 perle cotton and the first band in DMC.



3. NFSAL 2020 – which is designed to use up neglected floss.

The frame is to look like this –

NFSAL 2020 Frame

which I am stitching in Threadworxs #12 Perle Cottons (blues and greens)

The Jan Block looks like this –

NFSAL 2020 – Jan

and in position – also stitched with Threadworx

first block complete

Second block released 28 Feb 2020 – and stitched with Threadworx

NFSAL 2020 – Feb

4. there is also BloomTopia

which has been placed one some green Aida, since it seemed cheerful and was already on hand using the called for floss colors. Except for the green which would have matched the background so I changed it.


5. and Linen & Threads Mystery SAL (linked here). The fabric is natural 14ct Aida which I over-dyed with RIT.  Flosses are all DMC multi-colors.


Part (March – was actually released on the 29th, so it is started –

Part 3 – started 29 Feb